As we enter a new, and hopefully better year, it hit me that a lot of you reading this might know me. I decided to go backward a little bit in order for you to come forward with me into the future. So here it goes, Welcome to 2021 & to my new website and blog!
This is how it all began. Before there was RCMS Design, before I was a Certified Interior Designer…Where’d this passion come from and how did I grab hold of it and run?
I was a young girl that loved to watch others create and decide how I could do it differently. Would I change what they did? Did I like the same colors? Did they place things a certain way, and why? I would follow my mom through the store and watch her make our house into a home one room at a time. She knew this was something I enjoyed and therefore I was invited to assist in every decorating project she had. Running to the store to pick up some new pieces. Choosing colors or wallpapers. Putting together a room full of seasonal or holiday decor. She would decorate a room and then ask me to make changes or put the final touches on it. You name it, she brought me a long for the ride. And for that I am forever grateful. She found a spark in me and inspired me to constantly use it.
Fast forward a handful of years, to January 1st, 2021. I work a full-time job already in an industry I love and wouldn’t change that for the world, but I am determined to inch my way into my passion for Interior Design more and more. Maybe not in a full-time capacity now, maybe not ever but 2020 I did more design work than 2019, and 2019 than I did in 2018. I dipped my toes in a little more on social media, found a few clients of my own and I created a website to grow my business. Just in time for 2021, I have upgraded and redone that website, I have put myself out there to find more great clients, I have set aside time daily for my clients and business, and I will be dedicating time each month to creating blog posts to take you all along for the ride. While I am not as experienced as some Designers you might find, I am just as passionate, and I am willing to go the extra mile to show you that I am just as capable. Age is just a number and to me, a designer is here to take you a long for the ride on your projects just like my mom did with me.
Cheers to a healthier and happy 2021. Cheers to you all following along with my journey. Cheers to grabbing your dreams and running with them.